Airtel has just launched new Mobile plans in India, called myPlan Infinity they offer unlimited voice calling, STD and Roaming, however Data is fixed.
For Rs. 1199/- customers gets unlimited voice calling: local, STD, and on national roaming along with 100 SMS per day. 1GB 3G/4G data and free subscription to Wynk Music and Wynk Movies.
The Rs. 1599/- plan gets unlimited voice calling: local, STD, and on national roaming along with 100 SMS per day, 5GB 3G/4G data and free subscription to Wynk Music and Wynk Movies.  More plans detailed below. To activate a plan you can use the Airtel App or visit
Airtel Unlimited Voice Calling Plans / myPlan Infinity
 PriceRs. 1199/- Rs. 1599/-Rs. 1999/-Rs. 2999/-
Data quota1GB 3G/4G5GB 3G/4G10GB 3G/4G20GB 3G/4G
Voice Unlimited Local calls + STD + RoamingUnlimited local calls + STD + RoamingUnlimited local calls + STD + RoamingUnlimited local calls + STD + Roaming
Pay-as-you-go rate on data#50p/MB50p/MB50p/MB50p/MB
SMS 100 SMS per day100 SMS per day100 SMS per day100 SMS per day
Wynk Music offer##Unlimited musicUnlimited musicUnlimited musicUnlimited music
Wynk Movies offer##Unlimited movies
(Eros Now/Hooq)
Unlimited movies
(Eros Now/Hooq)
Unlimited movies
(Eros Now/Hooq)
Unlimited movies
(Eros Now/Hooq)
##Only content subscription on Wynk Music & Wynk Movies is free, data