The OnePlus One is one of the best phones to launch so far this year, but unfortunately it’s still not easy to get your hands on the new smartphone even if you’re willing to pay full price. Months after it was first unveiled we’re still dealing with the company’s complicated invitation system, but today OnePlus is launching a new contest with 10,000 invites up for grabs.
OnePlus has run into trouble with earlier invitation contests, but this one is simple, inoffensive and fun. Just grab any photo you took this summer and share it online with the hastags #summershots and #oneplus. You can claim up to 15 entries by sharing on multiple social networks including Instagram, Twitter and the company’s own online forum. Following OnePlus on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Google+ will also increase your chances of winning an invite.
Like we said, the OnePlus One is a great phone at a pretty amazing price. There’s nothing to lose from submitting your own photo to the contest, and if you’re lucky enough to win you’ll have the chance to grab the device for yourself.
Source OnePlus