Saturday 23 August 2014

Windows 9 Leaks Show The Revival Of The Start Menu

Windows 9 Leaks Show The Revival Of The Start Menu

WIndows 9n1
Windows 8 never became as successful as Microsoft had hoped. One of the major reasons cited was the entirely new ‘Tiled’ interface and gesture support which helped unify the tablet, mobile and desktop experience. The new interface dissuaded a lot many folks and enterprises from switching over to the new OS. One of the major demands from the consumers who did switch over to the latest Windows OS was the inclusion of a start menu. Now in a recent leak by Myce (sounds like a great name for a mole) shows that Microsoft might finally revive the Start button.
The new revamped Start menu, if this really is what it would look, is quite impressive. According to Myce, the build is 9795 and was compiled on 13th July. It is said to be from the User Interface and Platform team. Although it was widely rumored that the Start menu would resurface with this year’s release of Windows 8.2, it seems now that it will only be ready for release with Windows 9. Even though the leaked images refer have Windows 8 written over it, they are for Windows 9.
Microsoft had showcased a demo of the menu option during the Build conference this year. That version had a mix of traditional windows experience with the new metro features.
WIndows 9n2
A second leaked image shows a new App store design. Though these design elements can be seen as a precursor to new windows styling too.
Now these are still images from ‘work-in-progress’ situation so it’s advisable to not get your hopes high. There are several glitches and compatibility issues that the developers have to work out. Hence, this should be taken as what it is, a leak!

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